
This is a plugin for controlling your favourite music player from your Symbian based phone with the Bemused client originally by Ashley Montanaro. What this plugin actually does is implement the server side of the Bemused protocol. This means that if you don't own a Symbian based phone, you could write your own client implementing the protocol on e.g. your bluetooth enabled PDA or javaphone.

The code sports low coupling, which means that it is as easy as implementing two classes for creating a plugin for any other type of media player application.

March 10th 2009

Josh was kind enough to e-mail an old Bemused client for j2me that he rescued off the wayback machine. Grab it here

February 27th 2008

Released the source code for the latest version. Thanks for pointing out that it was missing!

January 27th 2008

Added a links section thanks to user Steffen pointing out that the link I had to a Java client was dead.

January 26th 2008

Got around to moving this site to my new hosting provider. Please leave a comment on my blog post if you like this plugin.

May 19th 2007

long time; /* no C */
as programmers say. ;)
Finally there is a new release of foo_bluetooth_ctrl for foobar2000 version 9.x! Check it out below!

Releases for foobar2000 v0.9.x

foo_bluetooth_ctrl version 1.1 beta2 (zip, source)

foo_bluetooth_ctrl version 1.1 beta (zip)

Sorry for the delay. I switched to the mac platform before foobar2000 v9 was released and haven't been able to do a proper release because of that. That and too much to do in too little time. But here it finally is! Enjoy!

I have developed this version of the plugin in a virtual machine running on my intel iMac. This came with the problem that bluetooth connections to the virtual machine running windows were not supported. Due to this I built a very simple command line bemused client in ruby and used it for testing the plugin over a normal TCP/IP socket connection. This was easy to do due to the communications code being completely separate from other code. Good design ftw! :)
This does, however, mean that I haven't been able to test by using a real Bemused client, so I cannot release this as anything but beta code. I hope you can test the plugin and report any and all bugs/weird behavior to me at the e-mail address below. Thank you!

Older releases


Just put the .dll in the components directory, boot up foobar2000, check the config (File-Preferences-Tools-Bluetooth Remote Control), click connect and grab your phone.




You can reach me (Jonatan Kronqvist) with ideas, bugreports and hate-mail at jonatan@HITECH-SPAM-FILTER.oxygenite.org or through my blog.

Last update: January 26th 2008